Où sommes-nous - Photo du vernissage

Où sommes-nous, Judith Albert, Dana Claxton, Katrin Freisager et Nik Forrest, commisaires Aaron Pollard et Chantal Molleur - Photos Romain Guilbault 2018

Judith Albert - Mare Mosso
Judith Albert - Prolog 1
Dana Claxton - Hunkpapa Woman in Black
Dana Claxton - The Protector
Cana Claxton - Jeneen
Nik Forrest - Wild Intimacy (Sound to light)
Nik Forrest - Wild Intimacy (Sound to light)
Nik Forrest - Wild Intimacy (Sound to light)
Katrin Freisager
Katrin Freisager - Landscape / Wunderland 1
Katrin Freisager - My Sister Never Sleeps 4
Katrin Freisager - Liquid Landscape 5 / Liquid Landscape 4

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