Sonia Robertson

Born in Mashteuiatsh, Sonia Robertson received her bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary Art from the Université de Québec à Chicoutimi in 1996 and completed a master’s degree in Art Therapy at UQAT. As a multidisciplinary artist, she has participated in numerous events in Canada, France, Haiti, Japan and Mexico. She works to showcase art as a means of empowerment and expression for people in the community she is actively involved in. She co-founded the TouT-TouT Artist Workshops in Chicoutimi and Mashteuiatsh; the Diane Robertson / Kamishkak’Arts Foundation, a modern and traditional art center; the Sacred Park Association / Kanatukuliuetsh Uapikun, for the safeguarding of medicinal and traditional knowledge and the first Ilnu festival of tales and legends Atalukan and she was the instigator and spokesperson of the Idle No More movement at Lac St-Jean.