Sonia Paço-Rocchia

Sonia Paço-Rocchia is a sound artist/composer/performer/improviser who studied at Université de Montréal. Her work has been presented in North-America and Europe. She enjoys composing for non-conventional instruments, such as bus-cards, slinky or bicycle, and she readily incorporates improvisation and theatrical action into her pieces. She performs/improvises using a myriad of sound-makers, invented instruments, voice and/or bassoon, along with live electronics through interfaces which enable her to perform using her body movements. She plays solo and in various ensembles including London Improvisers Orchestra. She has worked with contemporary dance, visual art and theatre, where as well as composing/improvising the music she has been an integral part of the performances.In 2013, Véronique Binst and her had a residency in La Fabrique de Théâtre, Framerie, Belgium, during APREM where they developed and performed Réseau.

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