Selma Lepart

Visual artist Selma Lepart has a degree from the École Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs of Strasbourg, France. Her interdisciplinary work includes drawing, multimedia, sculpture, and video. In her work, she uses material or techniques drawn from computer science, physics, chemistry (the ferrofluid used to create Mercure Noir and Esquive), and even nanotechnology (Re-gard). She regularly collaborates with several laboratories from Montpellier. In recent years, she was given a studio and had the opportunity to work at Montpellier 2 University. Thus, she has challenged her artistic practice by associating it with the practices of researchers and students attentive to the viewpoint she brings to their research areas. This context enabled her to create Mercure Noir and Esquive, which have been shown several times in France.

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