Sarah Watson

Sarah Watson is an arts educator and curator living in Montreal. She is currently a doctoral fellow and a part-time faculty member at Concordia University in Montreal. Recent projects include Stateless Nation, a research-based exhibition and colloquium with artists / architects Alessandro Petti and Sandi Hilal in Savona, Italy in 2010, and Living Time, a pedagogical project and exhibition comprised of the selected archives of Tehching Hsieh's One Year Performances and the filmed performances of Guido van der Werve at DHC / ART in Montreal (2009). From 1996 to 2009 Watson taught art history at the Univeristià degli Studi in Bologna and created and oversaw education and public programs for arts institutions in Europe and Canada. She currently oversees Public Programs at the McCord Museum in Montreal. Her doctoral research examines the relationship between performance works and archival images.