Rolando Sanchez

Rolando Sánchez was born in Lima in 1974. He graduated from Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes de Lima and from the Electronic Engineering Faculty of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, where he is a regular teacher. His recent group exhibitions include Homo Ludens Ludens at LABoral, Gijón, Spain (2008), Videt 08 International Festival of Vilafranca del Penedés, Barcelona, Spain (2008), V Bienal iberoamericana de Videocreación y Arte Digital Inquieta Imagen at Museo de Arte y Diseño Contemporáneo de San José, Costa Rica (2007), 3rd Festival of Electronic Art, Rosario, Argentina (2006), VAE10 Festival Internacional de Video/Arte/Electrónica, Lima (2006), 2nd Festival of Electronic Art 404, Rosario (2005), Break 2.3 New Species, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2005), Artware 3 at Centro Cultural de la Universidad Católica, Lima (2005), Softmachine at Galería Artco, Lima (2005). Sánchez was awarded prizes at the III Exhibition of Digital Art (Video installation category, Santa Fe, Argentina, 2006) and First Prize at the Metropolitan Contest for Young Visual Artists (Lima Municipality, 2006). He lives and works in Lima.

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