Nelson Henricks

Nelson Henricks was born in Bow Island, Alberta, and is a graduate of the Alberta College of Art (1986). He moved to Montreal in 1991, where he received a BFA from Concordia (1994). A musician, writer, curator and artist, Nelson is best known for his video works, which have been exhibited worldwide. A focus on his video work was presented at the Museum of Modern Art in New York as part of the Video Viewpoints series (2000). His writings have been published in Fuse, Public and Coil magazines, and in the anthologies So, To Speak (Editions Artexte, 1999), Lux (YYZ Press, 2000) and Caught in the Act (YYZ Press, 2004). Henricks received the Bell Canada Award in Video Art in 2002, and the Board of Governors' Alumni Award of Excellence from the Alberta College of Art and Design in 2005.