Nelly-Eve Rajotte

After obtaining a master's degree from the School of Visual and Media Arts at UQÀM, Nelly-Eve Rajotte, a multidisciplinary artist, investigates the relationship to space and explores the arborescence of physical sensations and psychological states through sound and image. She borrows from cinematographic strategies of editing and staging effects that not only transform, but also aestheticize reality. The sound environment doubles the sensitive potential of the work by denying or exalting the discourse of the image. In addition to numerous exhibitions in Quebec with the Fonderie Darling, Parisian Laundry, Occurrence, Clark, Optica and Circa, her works have been shown in several festivals in Canada, including MUTEK, Antimatter Underground Film Festival, the International Festival of Films on Art and Espace [IM] Média, as well as worldwide, in Germany, Argentina, Japan, Finland, Corea and in Mexico.