Mara Fortes

Born in Mexico City (1981), Mara Fortes is a researcher and a curator. She holds a B.A. in Film and Media Studies from Swarthmore College (USA) and is currently a doctoral candidate in Cinema and Media Studies at The University of Chicago (Dissertation: Cinema Atmospherics and the Spatial Uncanny). She works as a curator for the Telluride Film Festival (USA), programs for the Ambulante Documentary Film Festival (Mexico), and is the head curator at the audiovisual department “Cine más allá” of the Center for Digital Culture (Mexico). She has curated programs for different institutions and festivals, including Museo Reina Sofia (Spain) La Otra Bienal (Colombia), and London MexFest (UK). Her research interests include media archaeology, installation art, the history of the avant-garde, experimental and expanded cinema, sound studies, and queer media.

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