Lysa Iqaluk

My name is Lysa Iqaluk. Born on September 2nd, 1989, I grew up in Inukjuak, Nunavik, where my parents and grand parents raised me and where I continue to live and work. As children our late grandmother, Patsauk Iqaluk, taught both my late sister Linda and I throat singing, named katajjait in Inuktitut. My grandmother was famous for her throat singing and traveled around the world to perform. As a teenager, I met my friend Annesie S. Nowkawalk, also a throat singer. In March 2005, we performed together at the Puvirnituq Snow Festival (village north of Inukjuak) and won first place in the throat singing contest. In 2009, we traveled to Toronto together with the support of the Anglican Church of Canada to perform. I would love to travel the world with my throat singing, just like my grandmother Patsauk Iqaluk did.

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