Lou Fozin

Lou Fozin works and lives in Montreal. Their recent research focuses on durability and digital materialities. They are inspired by the fields of psychology, sociology and political sciences in order to produce, among other things, audio art, coding and 3D production, in a multidisciplinary logic. Fozin’s work has been shown at the SOIR Festival (Montreal), the Concordia University Design and Computation Arts Department graduate exhibition (Montreal) and the VAV Gallery. They have received grants from the Concordia Fine Arts Students Association to pursue the collaborative project _Carrying Capacity 10_in 2018 and the solo project _Dismantling Your Electronics_ in 2019. The latter, in collaboration with the artist-run-centre Ada X, is ongoing under the name _Dismantling Your Électroniques_. Fozin holds a BFA in Computation Arts from Concordia University (Montreal.)