John Duncan

John Duncan was born in the United States, currently lives and works in Bologna. Duncan portrays his work as a catalyst, inciting a transmission of energy through which he seeks to compel the audience to actively participate in the process of investigation and self-discovery. His lengthy career of electroacoustic intensity and confrontational performance art events is the result of rigorous investigations into a number of arcane, metaphysical, and at times transgressive themes. Duncan is a rare artist who is totally immersed in existential research.
– Jim Haynes, The Wire (UK). His audio releases THE CRACKLING (1996 with Max Springer), PALACE of MIND (2001 with Giuliana Stefani), FRESH (2002 with Zeitkratzer), THE KEENING TOWERS (2003), PHANTOM BROADCAST (2004), NINE SUGGESTIONS (2005 with Mika Vainio and Ilpo Väisänen), THE NAZCA TRANSMISSIONS (2009) to name a few, are all considered by critics and composers alike to be benchmarks in the field of experimental sound and contemporary music.

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