Guy Sioui Durand Tsei8ei 8enho8en

A Huron-Wendat, Guy Sioui Durand is a sociologist (PhD), theorist, independent curator, and art critic. As a public speaker, his oratory performances express First Nations orality. His book L’art comme alternative. Réseaux et pratiques d’art parallèle au Québec (1997) is a key reference in the field. He has also published Riopelle Indianité (2003) and l’Esprit des Objets (2013) and has contributed to three issues on the evolution of Indigenous art in Kébeq and Kanata: Amérindie (Esse 2002), Indiens, Indians, Indios (Inter 2010), Affirmation Autochtone (Inter 2016). In 2016­­–2017, he was co-curator of the exhibition Mirror of a People: The Work and the Legacy of Zacharie Vincent (Huro-Wendat Museum and Museum of the Abenakis). In 2016, he curated Wâpou’och i’skwa’och/Ie’io: kas / La Puissance du regard des Femmes (Maison de la Culture Frontenac) and Affirmations Autochtones (Cégep du Vieux-Montréal). Sioui Durand teaches an unique course on Indigenous art at Kiuna Institution, which offers post-secondary education for First Nations. He is president of Éditions Intervention and a member of Canada’s Aboriginal Curatorial Collective (ACC).