Emmanuelle Loubet

Radio producer, new media and Web project developer, sound chaser and audio artist, author, researcher, professor. After earning a Masters in Musicology at La Sorbonne in 1981, Emmanuelle Loubet enrolled at the Technical University of Berlin on a DAAD scholarship. From 1981 to 1986 she conducted research at the outer edges of Claude Shannon's Information Theory and electronic music, also learning the basics of computer generated music. In 1985, she obtained her Doctorate in Musicology at La Sorbonne and moved to Tokyo in 1986, where she produced programs, documentaries and radio drama for ARD (Germany) and other European public radio stations. Beginning in 1996, she became an autodidact in new media and in 2009 she received a diploma in Site Design and Server Administration from the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM). She emigrated to Quebec in 2008, where she is now an associate fellow at Université de Montréal's Laboratoire de recherche sur les musiques du monde (LRMM).

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