David Tomas

Born in 1950, David Tomas is an artist and an anthropologist whose multimedia and photographic works explore the cultures and transcultures of imaging systems. He has exhibited in Canada, the United States and Europe. He has also written articles on the cultures of imaging systems, the history of cybernetics, cyborgs and contemporary art practices. Tomas is the author of many books: Transcultural Space and Transcultural Beings (1996), The Encoded Eye, the Archive, and its Engine House (1998-2000, published on-line as a research e-book by the Center for Digital Discourse and Culture, Virginia Tech), DUCTION (2001, co-authored with Michèle Thériault), Beyond the Image Machines: A history of Visual Technologies and A Blinding Flash of Light: Photography Between Disciplines and Media (2004), Escape Velocity: Alternative Instruction Prototype for Playing the Knowledge Game (2012), Vertov, Snow, Farocki: Machine Vision and the Posthuman (2013) and Live rightly, die, die (Dazibao, 2013). He lives and works in Montréal.

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