Daniel Canty

Both a writer and director, Daniel Canty's writing occupies a central place in his work, where literature and publishing cross paths with cinema and theatre, new media and visual arts. He is currently preparing Le livre de chevet, a collective work dedicated to sleep, which follows La Table des matières, about food, and Cité Selon, about the city. The Elektra festival has recently invited him to participate in Angles: arts numériques, an essay for three hands. With Patrick Beaulieu, he’s embarked on the saga of Vector Monarca, a poetic journey tracing, by way of land, the migratory journey of monarch butterflies. He works as a dramaturge with Marie Brassard, and curates Interactive Screen, an event hosted by the Banff Centre. His one-minute film Ace of Hearts was shown at Nashville’s Fugitive Video Project 2009. His writing can sometimes be found in the magazine Liberté and in each edition of Le Bathyscaphe.