Cristina Figueroa Vives

Cristina Figueroa Vives (La Habana, 1983) holds a Master's degree in Art History from the University of Havana, in Art Curation and New Media at the Escola Superior de Disenny (ESDi) and at the Ramón Llull University of Barcelona. Curator at the Casa de las Américas since 2006, she has realized many projects such as Año Cinético and Optico'70 (2009). She is the author of essays on the Cuban graphic arts (2009), on Korda's famous photographic work (2011), as well as Pioneers of Digital Art, for which she won the Curatorship Award’s National Mention from the Conseil National des Arts Plastiques. She has collaborated on various publications such as La Gaceta de Cuba (UNEAC), Arte Cubano (CNAP), Nouvelles Arte Cubano (CNAP), and Arte por excelencias (Grupo Excelencias, Madrid).