Chœur Maha

Choeur Maha was founded in 1991 by composer/performer Kathy Kennedy and visual artist Su Schnee. The choir has delighted audiences for two decades with their creative repertoire, singing in as many languages and styles as possible, from Hildegard von Bingen to Hildegard Westerkamp, from Mozart to Madonna - and often incorporating a healthy dose of electroacoustic music for good measure. Choeur Maha is well known for its support of women’s organizations throughout Montreal: their annual performances for the École Polytechnique anniversary as well as International Women's Day are presented to wide audiences with profits going to women’s shelters and support groups. Maha has produced some of the city’s most memorable musical interventions and guerrilla performances incorporating technology and social commentary. From the large scale sonic installation Never/Always, performed outdoors at Place des Arts with over 100 participants, to more intimate surprise performances in the corridors at City Hall, Maha continually turns heads.