Caroline St-Laurent

In her multidisciplinary, performance-based practice, Caroline St-Laurent brings together art and sports within a feminist perspective. For St-Laurent, sports, and its various rules, disciplines, contexts, codes, and modes of accessibility all form a breeding ground for questioning our culture of performance, as well as the stress and inequitable relationships it breeds. Female athletes and artists have experimented with her custom-designed systems in the context of Art Souterrain (Vélo à écrire, 2017), at OFFTA live art festival (Relais papillon, 2016), and at Tangente (Relais papillon, 2015), as well as on a Montréal basketball court (Visez l’excellence en vous!, 2015). St-Laurent’s work has been presented in solo and group exhibitions, performance events, and video festivals in Canada, Europe and Asia. 

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