Caroline Loncol Daigneault

Caroline Loncol Daigneault is an author, researcher and artist who has followed Vida Simon's work since 2003, from Montreal to the Laurentians to Newfoundland. She studied visual arts at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and art history at the Université de Montréal, and holds a master's degree in art history from UQÀM on the problematics of environmental art in Québec with the Boréal Art/Nature centre in the Laurentians as case study. She is a peer reviewer for ETC magazine and is the curator for the 2012 Saint-Jean-Port-Joli sculpture biennial, Hospitalité. She developed the Parcel Lab author's residency at OBORO from 2009-2010, also a book published by La Peuplade in 2011. She was involved at OBORO from 2007 to 2011, in different functions. Her involvement in the art milieu includes publications, teaching, curating, residencies, research trips and writing platforms.