Armando Menicacci

After studies in dance and music, Armando Menicacci obtained a Master in Musicology from the University of Rome and a PhD on the relationships between dance and digital technologies from Paris 8 University in 2003. Starting in 2000, he taught Isadora Visual Programming at Paris 8 University, as well as other universities abroad and the Centre de Formation pour les Techniciens du Spectacle in Paris. From 2015 to 2019, he taught at UQÀM where he created the Dance and New Technologies Program. He has also collaborated with many artists as a playwright, videographer, composer and programmer of interactive devices. Since 2005, he has been producing and presenting many of his own interactive stage creations and video performance installations. In 2021, with Nicolas Berzi, he created SIT (Scènes Interactives Technologiques), which is dedicated to technological developments in scenic arts.