Touching Ambiguity

© Thijs de Lange

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© Thijs de Lange

Activité Entete

Touching Ambiguity

May 3 – June 7, 2014 

Saturday, May 3 at 5 pm

Guided Tour
Saturday, May 3 at 5 pm


This exhibition is a copresentation by OBORO and the International Digital Arts Biennale (BIAN).


Ergenzinger HD VA from OBORO on Vimeo.

Kerstin Ergenzinger brings together two installations that confront our tangible environment and the impermanence of bodies in space. Reacting to imperceptible movements of air generated by visitors or by the installation itself, Whiskers in Space is composed of feather-like sensible structures that quiver in a seemingly random way. In the next room, Rotes Rauschen (Red noise) translates the inaudible low frequencies constantly emitted by the earth into the fluttering of an overarching pendulum whose awareness is also at times informed by the shifting of mass through space. Ergenzinger poetically evokes an anxiety common to machines and humans over the plausible loss of control on their behaviour. She thus pursues her research into our equivocal relation to the inscrutability of nature.

- Claudine Hubert

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Kerstin Ergenzinger

Kerstin Ergenzinger studied Fine Arts at the University of Arts Berlin, at the Chelsea College of Art and Design London and Media Art at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Her artistic practice evolves around an ongoing research dealing with the sensory human conditions in relation to our physical and conceptual surroundings. Her work is regularly presented in solo and group shows internationally. In 2013, she received the prestigious VIDA 15.0 (2013) award in Madrid for International Research in Art and Artificial Life, and was recently awarded a research grant in Cambridge/Boston.

The installations Whiskers in Space and Rotes Rauschen were developed in collaboration with Thom Laepple. Kerstin Ergenzinger will also be showing her new original video works Unfathomable Faces in the windows of the Goethe Institut, every evening from sundown to midnight, starting May 9. Click here for more information.

The artist wishes to thank igus for their continuous support.