Rencontres Dorkbot

Dorkbot-mtl © Maroussia, 2007

Activité image

Dorkbot-mtl © Maroussia, 2007

Activité Entete

Rencontres Dorkbot

Workshop spontaneous programing throughout the year

What is Dorbok-mtl?Dorkbot-mtl organises discussions open to all at OBORO, gathering artists, electronic artists, students and anyone who is interested in sharing ideas and projects. Exhibits and creative workshops are held in order to encourage the many talents. Dorkbot-mtl is open to your ideas for electronic projects, no matter how bizarre they may seem. Everyone is welcome to attend. Curiosity is the only pre-requisite. Dorkbot-MTL is a FREE event.

What is the purpose of dorkbot-mtl?

  • establish a forum for the presentation and promotion of new art works/technology /software /hardware
  • help establish relationships and foster collaboration between people with various backgrounds and interests
  • give artists/programmers/engineers an opportunity for informal peer review
  • give us all a chance to realize our weirdest electrical ideas