La Station

© S. Gilot

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© S. Gilot

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La Station

April 15 to May 13, 2006

Saturday, April 15, 2006 at 5:00 p.m.

Press Release PDF

Dear Stéphane,

I’m finally back home… But what does “back home” mean? Solid ground? You too, for a while, will feel like you’re drowning among men. You’ll be silent and pay attention to everything; you’ll have to make an extra effort to perform the thousand and one gestures of daily life…

But enough of this flight of lyricism, I want to tell you that since our experiment with the Pavilion*, there have been developments. Our plans for the Station reach our expectations and the experimentation program is almost finished. In fact, we’ll soon be in a position to figure out how many steps are required to go from a traditional stationary habitat to our static vehicle model—constantly on the move and yet always already there.

You too will experience this environment where the body recovers its self-propelled potential and reappropriates its own field of mobility—dancing anew, freed from its many cumbersome prostheses. From now on, its habitat is the only prosthesis the body needs: the Station, which also dances in its own orbit…

Good luck and see you soon,


*Le pavillon de réorganisation des sens, Centre Circa, Montréal, 2003.

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Stéphane Gilot

Originally from Belgium, Stéphane Gilot has been living in Canada since 1996. He has had exhibitions in Canada (Montréal, Toronto, Vancouver, Québec City, Banff, Baie Saint-Paul), Belgium (Liège, Brussels, Ostend, Ferrière), France (Paris, Lyon, Lille, Rennes), the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Maastricht), Germany (Berlin, Aix-la-Chapelle), England (London), Brazil (Sao Paulo), Serbia-Montenegro (Vrsac), Spain (Valencia, Gijon) and Finland (Jyvaskyla). He is represented by the Paul Petro Contemporary Art Gallery in Toronto and Espace 251 Nord in Liège.