Handmade Cartoons for Online Audiences

© Rickie Lea Owens 2008

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© Rickie Lea Owens 2008

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Handmade Cartoons for Online Audiences

Handmade Cartoons for Online Audiences
November 22, 29;
December 6, 13, 2008;
Janurary 10, 17, 2009

Screening Saturday, January 17, 2009, 3:30 pm

PDF communique

In this workshop, participants will create animations using classical techniques and finish in digital video formats intended for web viewing. Drawn, puppet and replacement animation will mingle with the variety of presentation options available through the digital mediums: screen sizes, playback possibilites, and means for online diffusion will be covered.


  • Frame Thief: free animation software that allows static images to be taken from live video feed and compile them into a Quicktime movie;
  • iMovie: easy-to-use video editing program with simple sound recording capabilities;
  • Final Cut Pro: widely-used video editing suite;
  • After Effects: used to create special effects.

Please note that modifications may be made to the workshop scenario.


  • Basic understanding of animation;
  • Beginner’s familiarity with iMovie or some other video editing software;
  • Be a professional artist, creator or cultural worker;
  • Be a self-employed worker or a salaried employee in an enterprise not subject to 1 % Training Investment(*);
  • To attend every session of the workshop.

(*) Any enterprise whose total payroll is $1,000,000 or more is subject to 1 % Training Investment.


The workshop will take place on Saturdays, from 9 am to 5 pm (November 22 & 29; December 6 & 13, 2008; January 10 & 17, 2009) Screening of projects will happen on the last day of the workshop on the occasion of Art’s Birthday


$100 per person; Maximum of 10 participants

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