Ce qui arrive

© C. Neveu

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© C. Neveu

Activité Entete

Ce qui arrive

March 15 to May 30, 2006

In collaboration with Chantale Laplante

With this project, I’m trying to give form to an oscillation between what is said, heard, thought and perceived. I’m exploring textual musicality and molecular delicacy in the sound dimension—making words audible through my mediated voice, in a long verbal continuum obviously immersed in an electronic and acoustic musical mix. I’ve invited composer and artist Chantale Laplante to do work together, to “see” what happens. [C.N.]

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Chantal Neveu

Writer and interdisciplinary artist, Chantal Neveu chooses writing as an avenue for exploration and knowledge. She has published Une spectaculaire influence (Éditions L'Hexagone), coït and mentale (La Peuplade) as well as èdres followed by èdres | dehors (É=É).