Audio Art / Synthesis and small processors for improvisation with sound

© A.J. Cornell, 2014

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© A.J. Cornell, 2014

Activité Entete

Audio Art / Synthesis and small processors for improvisation with sound

Pedagogical Assistant : Stéphane Claude

September 13-14 and 27-28, 2014, from 10 am to 5 pm

Registration period
August 12 to September 4, 2014

Results from the Workshop

In an age of ever burgeoning digital technologies, we are seeing a marked interest in revisiting technological tools of eras past in the form of software and plug-ins, but more interestingly contained in small hand held devices for recording, generating and processing sound. These compact modules are reintroducing a direct and physical approach to working with the medium of sound and the routing of the signal chain.

The resurgence of analog synthesis, the use of small noise generators and tactile processors are bringing about a return to a more hands on approach to performance and improvisation with sound. Many artists in Montréal's sound art community employ a range of versatile and intuitive mobile components to replace or bypass the classic laptop and soundcard set up, that enable them to adapt their setup to suit the spaces in which they present their works.

This workshop will look at the conception of creative sound systems for handmade architectural spaces. Participants will work to create sound environments with hybrid systems that use noise generators, samplers, field recordings, small synthesizers, an vast array of microphones and effects pedals. There will be a focus on how to make sound structures that create an environment conducive to deep and meditative states of listening. Improvisation techniques and exercises in intuitive performance will serve as the springboard for guiding participant’s compositions and performances created in the cadre of the workshop.

The workshop will end with a series of solo or improvised performances by the participants. 

- Be a professional artist, creator or cultural worker;
- Be a self-employed worker or a salaried employee in an enterprise not subject to 1 % Training Investment*;
- Attend every workshop session.
*Any enterprise whose total payroll is $1.000.000 or more is subject to 1% Training Investment. (Emploi-Québec Program)

Number of participants: 8 people
Schedule: Saturdays and Sundays, September 13-14 and 27-28, from 10 am to 5 pm

Registration period: August 12 to September 4, 2014
Call or email the New Media Lab: 514 844 3250, ext. 230 or
Cost: $130

Reservation / Payment
Reservations can be done by phone or email. Full payment must be made for inscription to be valid. You can pay by credit card (Visa or MasterCard), cheque or in cash. Registration to a workshop is not transferable.

Cancellation / Refunding
OBORO does not refund registration fees except in case of illness (with a medical note) or of absolute necessity. In such cases, inscription fees are transferable to another workshop or service offered by the New Media Lab.

Workshop Cancellation
OBORO reserves the right to cancel workshops at any time and without advance notice. In this case, registration fees are totally refunded.

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Andrea-Jane Cornell

Andrea-Jane Cornell improvises with field recordings, radio waves, and object- instruments. She seeks to create enveloping environments populated by harmonics resonances are swept up and carried away by the wind, revealing a multitude burbling below the undulating surface. A gleaner of sonorities, she transforms and transmits ambiences though performance, installation and across short and long range radio transmission channels.

Stéphane Claude

Stéphane Claude is an electronic_acoustic composer and sound engineer. His research is based on integrating a conceptual and physiological framework of audio recording and sound installation for different diffusion contexts in the electronic arts.